School Visits: “Harlem’s Little Blackbird”

In 2024, Chiarina artistic directors Efi Hackmey (piano) and Carrie Bean Stute (cello) were joined by soprano Melissa Wimbish, violinist Meredith Riley, and violist Celia Hatton to present our family concert program “Harlem’s Little Blackbird” at three DC public schools: Brent Elementary, Maury Elementary, and Payne Elementary. Students learned about American history and music as well as the different sounds that instruments make and how musicians work together in performance. These visits were made possible by a Field Trip Experiences grant from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities.

“You were really good. I had tears in my eyes.”

“I really liked the show you played, ‘Harlem’s Little Blackbird.’ I loved all your instruments in different ways.”
“Thank you for performing for us. I hope you come again!”

–DCPS second graders

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